6 Mistakes you are making when hanging curtains

furnitureyourway novWindows look their best when they are dressed with elegant draperies or a simple swath of fabric. Here are 6 mistakes you should avoid when hanging curtains.

Not measuring correctly – Your curtains will look their best if they are the right length and width to suit your window. Therefore before you order your curtains, measure your window and note down your measurements.

Hanging curtains too low – For small spaces, opt to hang curtain rods closer to the ceiling. This will make the window and your space seem larger.

Buying curtains that are too short – Your curtains should reach the floor to ensure that they look elegant and look like they were made for your window size.

Not thinking about fullness – You should consider 2 to 2½ times the width of the window to make sure you have enough fullness for your drapes. For example, if your window is 4 feet in wide, your curtains (un-gathered) should be at least 8-10 feet in wide.

Avoiding the iron – Curtains with creases look messy and worn out. Use a steamer or an iron, to iron out your curtains.

Forgetting about hardware – You should consider the weight of your curtain fabric before settling on the type and strength of your curtain rod. For heavier curtains think about using a wrought iron rod with support every few feet. On the other hand, for lighter curtains, you could consider using hooks that run on a wooden rod.


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